5 fictional characters I would date
These are characters, not the people who play them. (Doh)
WARNING: Please ignore the pattern in my dating habits. Thank you.

1. Zachariah Rasheed from this book.
Beautiful eyes that looks like lapis lazuli. Not only I'd date him. I'd actually marry him.

2. The Phantom! Or the "angel of music". All he needs is a little tender loving care and who better to give it than me. (Oh I am just so brimming with goodness).

3. Tristan Ludlow in this movie. I just want to marry him and cook for him, and have all his children and comfort him and kiss all his troubles away. I'll whisper to his ear everynight "I'll never leave before you do"

4. Jake Perry in Sweet Home Alabama. Also desire to marry him.

5. Henry. I love you. Dump claire. Marry me. I'll be your wife.
si "Rahul" anu.. Kuch Kuch Hota He inda kamu beguna ah. hahaha.
Inda eh.. Penangis pisinnya.. Stress saja ku ulihnya.
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