Saturday, December 10, 2005

Five in Fiction

5 fictional characters I would date
These are characters, not the people who play them. (Doh)
inspired by Tina

WARNING: Please ignore the pattern in my dating habits. Thank you.

1. Zachariah Rasheed from this book. Beautiful eyes that looks like lapis lazuli. Not only I'd date him. I'd actually marry him.

2. The Phantom! Or the "angel of music". All he needs is a little tender loving care and who better to give it than me. (Oh I am just so brimming with goodness).

3. Tristan Ludlow in this movie. I just want to marry him and cook for him, and have all his children and comfort him and kiss all his troubles away. I'll whisper to his ear everynight "I'll never leave before you do"

4. Jake Perry in Sweet Home Alabama. Also desire to marry him.

5. Henry. I love you. Dump claire. Marry me. I'll be your wife.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Just a Thought

I wonder if anyone ever thought my blog's domain name is inspired by them.
It is.



Pro-weblog Awards

Following the link from Tina's post on the blog awards, again I say, the awards are a great idea. This is what I posted in her comments section;

December 8th, 2005 at 1:16PM
Maurina danced:

I LIKE the idea so much it hurts. Lets do it! Lets do it! Whats wrong with a little popularity contest. Popularity means that the weblog is writing what the target demographic wants and likes to read. You have to give kudos for that. And on that pre made layout thing, you can always make a separate category for them. Best Blog with Pre-Made Layouts or something like that. Judged more on the content more than their layout selecting tactics? Besides it will give publicity to the new blogs and looking at the bigger picture, if we generate a lot of buzz about this, look at all the credibilty bloggers will gain. Imagine! We might be held in the same high regard as journalists. Lets have the award thing! I am giving this 100% support. Bruneian Bloggers need exposure and we need credibility. We need to take the negative view non-bloggers have on the Blogging community and replace it with the positive. Look at the bigger picture! Lets support this! When you look at it this way, the drama is really not big a deal. If you think of the award shows on MTV and stuff, it is not only about winning, it is a whole load of things crammed together into one event. Lets have this! :D

A whole load of things and a lot more.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Ack! Hot!

I have accidentally burnt my cheek with a curling iron.

What am I doing with a curling iron at 5am you ask? Well, that is a very good question. What's that? Oh yes thank you for noticing my already very curly hair which does not need any more curling using the hot curling iron. Interesting that you should point that out.

New mattress. Enough said.

Gasp, the traffic in my blog is dwindling

Before long I would have to pose nude to generate traffic.

Pardon our Dust

Haha. Click here for the new and fantastic Gap commercial.

Caution: It is directed by Spike Jonze.


Three Days - I miss Naz

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Monday, December 05, 2005

I live in a horticultural park

I have just realised that my home is a freaking jungle!
Look at the interesting fruit trees that I found outside of which their origins are pretty much unknown.


Citrus fruits ranging from the small Kasturi Limes, medium sized Labi Oranges, to the huge Pomelo fruits

The ciku!

Papayas galore!

Bananas fresh and green still in their pyjamas


We've got a lover-ly bunch of coconuts alive and dead
*try saying that with the Monty Phyton accent*

Chillies! The small kind.
'Lada Padi' as we say it here.

The mengkudu for medicinal purposes.

This tree is still waiting for the fruit to arrive. According to the Mama, it is too young. This is the pengalaban. Authentic Bruneian delicacy.


Season fruit (and judging from the absence of the fruit, I assume this is not yet the season). The Mata Kucing. Literal meaning "cat's eyes". Name is probably derived from the physical appearance of the fruit. A semi transparent flesh with a black coloured stone inside. Sweet and juicy.

DURIAN! Also a season fruit.


Well these are the ones I could identify. There are at least 5 others which I have never seen in my life. They are probably just weeds. But that's what I thought of the Durian.

I live in a jungle.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Pay Your Electric Bills

As Naz has pointed out, the Brunei Electrical Services records debts in arrears of unpaid electricity bills amounting to B$250 million. That is a staggering amount of money that will take me two whole lifetimes of overtime to accumulate.

Lets see the amount once again.

B$250 000 000

And so, in aid to this earth-shattering amount that could feed a whole third world country to the brink of obesity, the Ministry of Energy is launching the first ever Brunei Energy Awareness Month.

The Ministry of Energy with the collaboration of Radio Television Brunei in its weekly Consumer News launches an Energy Awareness Month to educate Bruneian families, businesses and government agencies about the importance of energy savings.
I for one, think that that is a great idea.


But oh my god, the fact that it is on RTB for less than 12 minutes everyday at 8pm is not enough. That is so not enough people!!! So, I am calling all Bruneian Bloggers from all four corners of Brunei to be a part of this energy awareness campaign!

Let us all understand that we can't just dwell on the problem, we must take neccesary actions to remedy. Let us all concentrate on the solution instead of the problem. Let us be a part of this campaign, let us all increase awareness on energy conservation! We owe it to our country, to our Sultan, to our Government, to our futures and to the future of our sons and daughters. One little move, CAN and WILL make a difference.

Once again, let us all promote the conserving of energy! Let us all give the much needed publicity that the campaign sorely seeks!