Thursday, October 20, 2005

Strong With Just The Right Amount of Strength

A discussion ensued today in Language Development about domestic abuse. I can't even begin to describe how appalling the whole idea is to me.

Especially on children.

Abuse is about control. It is about power. I wish it would just stop - physical, emotional, sexual or otherwise.

I just can't imagine if a student, one day, writes up graphic and gory details about a rape in an essay which I will mark. I can't imagine one day, when a student comes to school always with bruises and warm battered marks on his body. I can't imagine if a student, one day, tells me that he is scared to go home because that's where his father is.

What will I do?

I. am. tired.

1 comment:

Jeruen said...

It's a tough world out there indeed. We just need to deal with them. Those instances make me rethink and be thankful that I am not in that situation.