Monday, December 05, 2005

I live in a horticultural park

I have just realised that my home is a freaking jungle!
Look at the interesting fruit trees that I found outside of which their origins are pretty much unknown.


Citrus fruits ranging from the small Kasturi Limes, medium sized Labi Oranges, to the huge Pomelo fruits

The ciku!

Papayas galore!

Bananas fresh and green still in their pyjamas


We've got a lover-ly bunch of coconuts alive and dead
*try saying that with the Monty Phyton accent*

Chillies! The small kind.
'Lada Padi' as we say it here.

The mengkudu for medicinal purposes.

This tree is still waiting for the fruit to arrive. According to the Mama, it is too young. This is the pengalaban. Authentic Bruneian delicacy.


Season fruit (and judging from the absence of the fruit, I assume this is not yet the season). The Mata Kucing. Literal meaning "cat's eyes". Name is probably derived from the physical appearance of the fruit. A semi transparent flesh with a black coloured stone inside. Sweet and juicy.

DURIAN! Also a season fruit.


Well these are the ones I could identify. There are at least 5 others which I have never seen in my life. They are probably just weeds. But that's what I thought of the Durian.

I live in a jungle.


Anonymous said...

wow. huhuhuhu. jungle tu eh. baik inda betarzan? huhuhuhu. pisang ada pisang?? belakang rumah kami.. ada AYAMKU. hehe. dad likes to cock we literally have 100's of roosters in our back yard. tapi nada tarzan.

Unknown said...

Nahhhhh!!!! Kami ani kan mencari Tarzan pulang ni kan disuruh menyiram bunga~ Sanang membari makan, Tarzan makan buah saja! Pas atu dapat ya menyuruh NYAMUK2 semua tidur saja!!! Mun kau teliat Tarzan, padahkan arah ku aku saja menambat!

Anonymous said...

hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. kau mau tarzan indon kah tarzan bangla??

Unknown said...

wahahahaha! Tarzan aprika nada kahhh!! hahaha~~