Thursday, December 08, 2005

Ack! Hot!

I have accidentally burnt my cheek with a curling iron.

What am I doing with a curling iron at 5am you ask? Well, that is a very good question. What's that? Oh yes thank you for noticing my already very curly hair which does not need any more curling using the hot curling iron. Interesting that you should point that out.

New mattress. Enough said.


Anonymous said...

Not enough said. I can't find the link between new mattress and cheek-burning curling iron. Is it a girl thing?

Jeruen said...

This post is so Henry Miller.

Unknown said...

HENRY MILLER?! :S *speechless* hmm. I don't exactly know how to react to this. I will reassess this situation later.

Naz, here is the connection. Brace yourself.

The new mattress is not yet broken into and so I have trouble sleeping. When I do sleep, I am prone to weird dreams, e.g, a few nights ago I dreamt I killed a horse by cutting off all of his legs and letting it bleed to death.

Last night, I had trouble sleeping again and saw the curling iron lying around. On impulse, I heated the damn thing and started curling my hair. Five minutes into the job, I, THE CLUMSIEST PERSON IN THE WHOLE WORLD SOMEHOW MANAGED TO ACCIDENTALLY GET THE HOT METAL PRONGS TO GET IN CONTACT WITH MY CHEEK.

Haiyoh. 1/4 pretty hair and a burn mark. I feel like a cow. *slaps forehead*

Tina D said...

Yikes, that has to hurt, no? Hehe. I've had straighteners burn my scalp once. LOL.

Unknown said...

LIW, *LOL* yes the post IS so Henry Miller. But just the style. Ahem, not the content.:P I've just read tropics of Cancer's first chapter LOL.

Oh my god. I am so sad. I need to get a job.

Tina! LOL! Yes, I've experienced that too. It feels like a jolt that leaves you with cold sweats. LOL

Tina D said...

The writing style actually reminds me of him. And I'm not talking about Henry Miller. (I don't even know who he is, considering how much knowledgeable I am about the world of literature.)

Hehe. You know who he is, right? ;)

Unknown said...

REALLY? Interesting. He once told me I sound like you. Haha. We sound like we're in a freaking love triangle.

Oh my god, we all write like Henry Miller. LOL.

P/s: Henry Miller writes PORN

Tina D said...

Hahaha, that's interesting. Erotic literature bah, jgn suka2 hati. LOL. Gila kali, he says I write like you?! This is all crazy and messed up. ;)